Roofing Tips You Need to Follow When You Live in the Woods

There are a lot of roof care tips that apply regardless of where you live. You should check for missing shingles after a big storm. You should keep an eye out for signs of leaks in an attic. If you live in a wooded area, it's still important to do these things, but you will also want to follow the tips below for better roof care.

1. Sweep debris off the roof periodically.

Obviously, you don't need to climb up and sweep leaves off the roof every time you see a few. However, you don't want to let too many leaves sit up there for too long. They'll trap moisture against your shingles, which will eventually lead to shingle damage and leaks. You should check for debris and sweep it off about once a week in the fall and spring when there's more leaf debris around. In the summer, you can likely get away with doing this once a month.

2. Trim back your trees.

You don't have to trim all the trees on your land, but you should have those closest to your home trimmed. This way, you are less likely to have branches sweeping against your roof during high winds and storms. You're also less likely to have leaves or a whole branch fall on your roof. It's best to have a tree trimmer come out once a year so they never have to trim too much off the trees at once.

3. Clean your gutters out more often.

You'll often see the recommendation to clean your gutters out twice a year. This is sufficient for people who own homes in clear areas and those who only have a tree or two in their yard, but it may not be sufficient when you live in the woods. In the woods, your gutters may become clogged within weeks, leading to moisture damage along the edge of the roof. You may need to clean your gutters every two or three weeks in the fall and spring. If you're always having to clear out a lot of debris, you may want to put gutter guards over your gutters to keep the workload down.

When you live in the woods, you need to put a little more energy and thought into roof care. However, as long as you follow the tips above, your roof should keep caring for you and protecting your home. For more assistance, contact residential roofing contractors. 
