3 Tips For A Long-Lasting Roof Replacement

Buying a new roof for your home is a serious financial undertaking. Anytime you spend thousands of dollars on something new, you want that item to last. A new roof is no different.

It's important that you are prepared to navigate the replacement process if you want to end up with a long-lasting and energy-efficient roof for your home.

1. Invest in a Full Replacement

Some homeowners try to save money by opting to "roof over" their existing roofing materials. While this might be a more cost-effective approach, it can detract from the longevity of your new roof.

Many problems can lie hidden beneath the shingles on your roof. If these shingles are not fully removed so that the roof decking can be inspected and repaired, you have no way of knowing how structurally sound your roof is.

The risk of a "roof over" replacement failing before a full roof replacement is high. A completely new roof will cost more now, but it will save you over time as the new roof remains stable and strong.

2. Invest in Added Elements

Spending a lot of money on new shingles and then trying to cut costs on roof accessories is a major mistake that might jeopardize the longevity of your new roof.

Added roofing elements must be factored into the cost of your roof replacement. These elements can include a quality felt underlayment, new metal flashing, and a drip edge at the eaves of your roof. These added elements all contribute to the overall performance of your roofing system.

If you invest in high-quality shingles and high-quality added elements, your new roofing system will be prepared to protect your home for many years to come.

3. Improve Attic Ventilation

Attic ventilation is one of the elements that can impact how well your roof holds up over time. When you are investing in a new roof, be sure that you take the time to check the status of your attic ventilation.

You may want to install an attic fan or a radiant barrier before you finalize your roof replacement. Both a fan and a radiant barrier can help reduce temperature buildup beneath the shingles on your new roof.

Eliminating this type of overheating will extend the life of your roofing materials and help you reduce the amount of energy required to maintain the comfort of your indoor living space.

Contact a roofing replacement company to learn more.
