Tips To Boost The Energy Efficiency Of Your Home's Roof

Like many eco-minded homeowners, you want to improve your home's energy efficiency by saving as much energy as you can. One way to achieve this goal is by ensuring that your roof is optimized for energy efficiency. 

Here are a few tips to help maximize your roof's energy efficiency while minimizing your domestic utilities and carbon footprint. 

Match Your Roofing Material to Your Local Climate

The U.S. is a vast country with varied climate zones. As a result, energy efficiency can mean different things depending on the part of the country that you live in. 

If you reside in a hot or warm climate zone, you'll want a roof that can keep the sun off your back. This means you should choose a roofing material that provides good thermal insulation or doesn't retain heat well. Slate, metal, and tile (clay, concrete, or terracotta) can be excellent choices for hot climates.

While quite popular across the country, asphalt shingles may not be best for hot climates because they tend to weaken when exposed to extreme heat.

The better a roofing material is at preventing unwanted heat transfer and damage, the less you'll need to rely on your HVAC system to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. This will help to maximize your long-term residential energy savings.

Pick the Right Roof Color

The roof color you choose will not only influence the appearance and curb appeal of your home but its energy efficiency. Light-colored roofing materials reflect more sunlight, reducing your AC energy usage and increasing your home's overall energy efficiency.

On the other hand, darker roofs help to absorb more sunlight and heat, reducing your residential heating load in summer. 

Maintain a Clean Roof

A clean roof not only enhances the appearance and curb appeal of your home but affects its energy efficiency.

The dust, dirt, debris, and organic growth that build up on the roof over time can affect the reflective and insulative properties of the roofing material, resulting in the loss of its energy-saving capabilities.

Maintaining general roof cleanliness will help to keep it functioning as efficiently as it should.

Proper roof selection, installation, and maintenance are essential for maximizing the energy efficiency of your residential roofing system. Contact a local residential roofing company to learn about more ways to improve your roof's energy efficiency.

With their experience working with homeowners in your specific area, they can help you make the right roofing decisions for your home. 

For more info, contact a local company like Ben Ross Roofing.
